

Krofta offers a broad range of time-tested DAF solutions. With over 50 years of experience pioneering, perfecting and installing DAF equipment at more than 3,000 plants worldwide, we’re able to provide proven wastewater solutions and superior customer service so you can focus on what matters most: production.


Krofta offers a broad range of time-tested DAF solutions. With over 50 years of experience pioneering, perfecting and installing DAF equipment at more than 3,000 plants worldwide, we’re able to provide proven wastewater solutions and superior customer service so you can focus on what matters most: production.

Supracell DAF

The Krofta Supracell is ideally suited for wastewater streams with varying characteristics and is able to treat very large flowrates. It‘s circular design helps maximize limited space at plants in a number of industries including food and beverage, pulp and paper, steel but also in the field of municipal wastewater.

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Multifloat DAF

Engineered with a rectangular footprint, the Krofta Multifloat provides superior DAF technology while making the most of limited floor space. The use of proprietary U-elements (Flow Enhancement Cells – FECs) enlarging the flotation area, result in an efficient and highly compact DAF system. The unit can be configured horizontally (MFH) or vertically (MFV) to accommodate the available space at any time.

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Sandfloat SBP

The Krofta Sandfloat offers the unique combination of flocculation, flotation and filtration in a single process step. The Sandfloat DAF subnatant is subjected to a filtration step to complete it’s treatment. The Sandfloat is able to produce high quality process water for industry or even water compliant to stringent potable water standards, while starting from any type of turbid water source. Installing a Krofta Sandfloat will save space, time and cost while optimizing production.

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Air Dissolving Tube

Key to all Krofta DAF systems is the Krofta Air Dissolving Tube (ADT ). By eliminating the need for large volumes of air and water used by typical pressure components, the ADT uses air dispersion technology and centrifugal force for more efficient saturation. This will result in a significantly lower energy consumption. In operation at thousands of installations worldwide, the Krofta ADT is a central component to all Krofta DAF solutions and can be retrofitted with any existing DAF system.

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Krofta Packaged Equipment


KROFTA Packaged solutions is a range of mobile, packaged units that are offered as a rental or available for sale. These packaged units allow our customers to upgrade the capacity of their wastewater treatment plant, to reduce their operational costs significantly and to optimize their water or energy footprint and KPI’s. Available as a rental solution, these KROFTA packaged units allow to do so, as a CAPEX free solution.

The following KROFTA Packaged Solutions are available:

- KROFTA Packaged DAF Treatment
- KROFTA Packaged Anaerobic Treatment
- KROFTA Packaged Membrane Extraction
- KROFTA Packaged Water Recovery
- KROFTA Packaged Biogas Scrubber

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Every Krofta DAF is a Smart DAF, part of the IoT and connected to the Krofta Cockpit Cloud Service. Connection to the Cockpit will ensure our Krofta DAF systems are continuously analyzed and optimized, resulting in lower chemical consumption and operational costs. The Krofta MakeSense Instrumentation Packages ensure an even better online understanding of what’s exactly happening inside the Krofta DAF.

Krofta Cockpit® - Connect – Analyze – Optimize
MakeSense® Instrumentation Packages

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There’s no getting around it. Sometimes equipment breaks down. Sometimes you need an extra system to help meet short-term production needs. Or sometimes you just want an off-balance solution: keep the CAPEX for value creation related to your core activities and spend only a monthly rental fee for your wastewater treatment.

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