Successful wastewater treatment is more than just a process stage or a clarifier – even with a world-class clarifier like a Krofta DAF. It can involve multiple process stages relying on proper equalization, chemical conditioning, pumps, tanks instrumentation and more.

Process efficiency can struggle from the start of a new plant or it can degrade over time after many years of trouble-free operation. Krofta understands the wastewater treatment process fundamentals critical to a top performing treatment plant. Solving the process inefficiencies of your plant and identifying the intelligent solutions can take a multi-faceted approach. These include utilizing our laboratory services of treatability studies, piloting of DAF units with upstream and downstream systems - to provide real-time performance data, and site visits by Krofta experts to supplement the data with an in-depth field evaluation of existing systems. Krofta has a range of comprehensive treatment solutions ready to bring your plant up to top performance

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